Thursday, March 4, 2010

You're not used to getting into a car accident...

It was a sunny day as my family and I sat in traffic after a fantastic football game. Our team finally won a game after a prior losing season. To top it off, our rival was losing! Needless to say, my mind was on the game, the traffic and not the car in front of me. Before I knew it, BAM!!! Right into the back of the pick up truck I went. My 5-year-old told my 3-year-old that I was going to get arrested and that we'd have to sell our house to pay to get me out of jail. She started screaming, my son was crying and my husband was about to lose his mind. It didn't help that a police officer witnessed the entire thing. I stumbled out of my car and started to write down as much information I could think of. When I got home and called the insurance company, I realized I hadn't written down the time of day, type of vehicle and had forgotten most of the pertinent information. Luckily, my wonderful agent at Amica Insurance said, "don't worry. We've got it from here. You're not used to getting into accidents so you're not used to taking down the right information."

Hopefully you'll never need this information but here are some things to remember when you're in an accident. If possible, go to your state's website and print out an accident report form. Keep it in your glove box just in case.

  1. Keep a disposable camera in your glove box. While we all have cameras on our phones, you never know if your phone will be damaged in the accident. Take pictures of the damage to your car and any other cars or property involved in the accident.
  2. Make a copy of your driver's license and insurance card. Keep a copy to give to other people involved in the accident. *** Use discretion as your personal information is on this.
  3. Keep the phone numbers of local tow truck companies on hand. Keep in mind that your auto club membership likely will not tow away from accidents due to environmental concerns.
  4. Some people will disagree with me but carefully evaluate to see if it's necessary to call the police. Someone will be cited at fault for the accident and a ticket will be issued. If nobody is hurt and you're at fault... I don't know but I think I'd think twice before calling 911 to get a ticket.
  5. If anyone is hurt, call 911. Do not move people that have back or neck injuries. Cover them with a blanket to help with shock.
  6. Keep a pad of paper and a pen in your glove box to write down important information.
  7. Road flares, a flashlight, blanket, tire iron and spare tire may be especially helpful.
  8. Keep a printed list of important information to gather after an accident. A blank accident report form might help you accomplish this. **For more ideas about important information, see the following list.

Important information to gather:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Location
  • Weather/ road conditions
  • From the other drivers involved: Name, address, phone, DOB, license plate #, Driver's License #, Insurance company name and contact info as well as policy number.
  • Make, model and year of cars involved (include a brief description)
  • Names and phone numbers of any witnesses
  • The names and phone numbers for all people involved in the accident
  • The accident report number if one is issued
Do not admit fault under any circumstances. Keep your cool and do not react emotionally. You can cry and lose it later! Wait until you have talked to your insurance company and/or attorney to determine fault. Call your insurance company as soon as possible. Be sure to move to a safe location after your accident. So many times people are in shock after an accident and put themselves in serious harm by stepping out into traffic. If you are in pain, go to Urgent care or the ER right away. Shock keeps many people from feeling their injuries until much later. Better to error on the side of caution.

For a Washington state accident report form, visit

Drive Safe!!! Make your car a text free zone.

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