Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Family night at the drive in

Go to the Drive-In without ever leaving your living room!
Remember those hot summer nights at the drive-in? Mom would make popcorn, you'd put your Pj's on and the whole family would climb into the car and head to the movies? It was so cool to get to stay up late and make blanket forts in the car. Why not go to the drive-in during the winter? Too cold, think again.

For your next family night, go to the store and let the kids pick out their favorite candy. Find a box(es) big enough for each child to sit in. Cut the top off and let the kids decorate it so it looks like a car. Pick your favorite movie, spread out a blanket on the floor, grab a million pillows and there you have it! A drive-in movie for the whole family.

Happy family time!

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