Monday, April 23, 2012

Is God enough?

"Ain't Nothing Gonna Break My Stride.... oh no.. .I've got to keep on moving..."

I have this obsession with fundraising.  I can't get enough of it.  In fact, when I'm not on a big fundraising project, I become somewhat depressed.  Last year, June hit and I don't think I really got dressed and left the house for 2 weeks.  A month later, it was auction and golf tournament time so I was happy again. 

I recently had the honor and privilege of chairing Auburn Young Life's "A Reason to Dance."  This was by far the most fun I've ever had in my fundraising career.  We had 5 couples learn to dance thanks in part to a generous donation from Arthur Murray Dance of Federal Way.  Those couples danced in front of an audience of 500 people who sat enjoying their dinners served by Green River Community College.  My face hurt by the end of the night because I couldn't stop smiling as the night unfolded.  It was an absolute blast and so inspiring to hear about the way Young Life has changed the lives of so many.  It also didn't hurt that we exceeded our fundraising goal by 26%!

I'm currently working on small parts of many fundraisers but I started to go into my funk again.  I missed the excitement and energy behind A Reason to Dance and I couldn't quite come down from it.  With this on my heart, I took a seat at church this weekend and waited to hear about the mission trip our youth ministry just returned from.

I heard bits and pieces about the life changing experiences from the trip and was touched to think that my kids might experience this too.  The sermon talked about where your heart is.  I was reassured as I considered the fundraisers I've been working on.  They served God... they brought teens to God.  I had a very loving, supportive and Christian group of women encouraging and counseling me the entire time.  It was and is "all good."  I have finally learned to serve selflessly. 

Pastor Bodwell started talking about how he is struggling to find contentment after his mission trip.  WHAT?  A pastor isn't content?  He told that the work that went into the fundraising, the planning and the actual mission itself were like his mountain to climb.  He climbed the mountain, had an incredible view and now what?  Where is his next mountain?   Of course he prayed about this and what he heard spoke straight to my heart.

"Are you content with just being with God?  Is God enough?  Or, do you have to constantly climb mountains and seek accomplishments to be fulfilled?"

WHAM!!!!  My breath became lodged in my throat as I asked myself this same question.  Pastor Bodwell was feeling the same thing I was.  There is no question his heart has been in the right place and he too is learning to "just be."  Wow! 

This is when I got a swift nudge to my ribs from the wise one sitting next to me.  The sermon continued.

Steve went on to discuss unrealistic expectations.  When we put our hopes and dreams into things and people, we are disappointed and let down every time.  It's not because these relationships aren't wonderful.  It's not because these people aren't deserving of our love... it's because no single person, possession, fundraiser, event or job can consistently be everything all the time.  Only God can answer these needs.  You've heard this before right?  Me too.  I started to sit back in my chair and passively listen.  Then I received another WHAM!!!

I can't remember his exact words so I won't quote him but Pastor Bodwell asked if I had unrealistic expectations of my kids.  Who me?  Of course not.  Wait a minute....
Who do I yell at when the house is a wreck?  After all, when I was younger I imagined a pristine house like my mother had.  I knew my children would get along as well as the two I routinely babysat and my marriage would be awesome.  Well...I've got the marriage part.  I have two kids that are great.  They are funny, loving, smart, wise beyond their years and everything I wanted and more... except they're slobs.... and they fight.... constantly.  I've just described most 6 and 8-year-olds... haven't I?  Yet I hold them to the standard I created in my mind and I'm consistently frustrated when they don't measure up to it.  Not their problem apparently.  It's also not their problem that I expected them to behave and keep their voices to an acceptable volume... that too is my problem. 

What unrealistic expectations do you place on others and on yourself? 

Who do you hold accountable for your happiness? 

Are you content? 

Is God enough? 

Please check from this Sunday's sermon to be posted on line at

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