The flu of the century hit our house this past weekend. All of us got it but luckily my husband was well enough to take care of us... and hopefully he doesn't fully come down with it. Bored of out my skull today, I decided to remark on a card from that poked fun of Alzheimer's. A few people responded by telling me to lighten up and that sometimes laughter is the only thing we have when illness strikes. On that note, I'd like to recap the top 10 ways we knew we were sick beyond repair.
- Catheter and diabetes supplies are only a phone call away. You know that because you've seen about a million ads. Do you need any advice on denture cream?
- The water department calls to ask if you have a leak because your household water use has tripled. At this point you pray that your washing machine doesn't die.
- Your washing machine tries to die as you attempt to wash a queen size quilt... I know some of you can.
- You start to worry that the health department will have your house condemned. This might be an easier solution than cleaning it once you have the strength
- The thought of brushing your teeth is more disgusting to you than not brushing them.
- A shower sounds so good but can you make it back to bed?
- An annoying thought or phrase gets stuck in your head over and over and over and ov.....
- Your dreams would carve a great time slot on the sci-fi channel. Was that a turtle you were having a martini with on the back of a cloud?
- If you're not sick yet, you lay in bed half asleep knowing that your children will soon need you but that you need your rest because it's only a matter of time. Was that heartburn or the flu quickly creeping into your stomach?
- The thought, "this is a disease nobody has ever heard of before. Someday, it will be named after me because this is going to do me in," repeats in your head.
Stay healthy my friends!
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